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The Rail Newsletter

The Marin Audubon Society’s newsletter is published ten times a year. It provides in-depth information on our activities — particularly on issues related to habitat preservation in Marin County as well as volunteer opportunities to help restore our properties to their natural state. The Rail features upcoming field trips, our monthly Speaker Series, occasional birding classes and announcements of local events.

Other features such as “Birdlog”, by Noah Arthur, summarizes the previous month’s bird sightings in Marin County, and “Your Actions Count” informs members about local issues where calls, emails or letters could make a difference. Our newsletter also summarizes current conservation concerns, as well as spotlights our Junior Birdwatchers program, which currently focuses on local elementary school children’s birding achievements. Current issues are available on this website approximately one week prior to mail delivery of the printed copy.

The Rail’s printed format is printed on recycled paper in brown and black print. It does not have color pictures. If you “recycle” your copy by giving it to a friend — who becomes a member for only $25/year — our membership grows!

Reading The Rail online saves printing and postage costs as is better for our environment. If you’d like to start receiving The Rail via email please contact Robert Hinz.

The Rail Newsletter Issues