Checklist of the Birds of Marin County
We are pleased to announce the updated and 4th Edition of the Bird Checklist of Marin County, California, authored by Kenneth M. Burton. Redesigned into a smaller booklet for ease of use in the field, this 4th Edition is an essential reference for any birder who lives in or visits Marin, and is packed with a wealth of knowledge on the current status and abundance of birdlife in Marin County.
The checklist officially recognizes a remarkable total of 502 species of birds recorded in Marin County, a reflection of the county’s unique mix of diverse habitat, climate, geographic location, and extensive birding coverage. New to many will be the new order of bird families and species within the checklist to align with American Ornithological Society’s new taxonomic sequencing announced in 2016. Due to the compact, portable nature of the booklet, there are no photos inside the checklist.
Copies of this 4th Edition of the Bird Checklist of Marin County, California are available for purchase at $5 each for MAS Members and $8 each for Non-members, and all profits from the sale of this checklist will benefit the Marin Audubon Society. To order your copy, follow the link below or send a check payable to Marin Audubon Society at P.O. Box 599, Mill Valley, CA 94942-0599. The new Checklist can also be purchased on MAS Field Trips.
Cover photograph provided by local birder Len Blumin
Purchase A Checklist of the Birds of Marin County, California with PayPal: